Google Slides Accessibility (A11y)
Creating Accessible Google Slides Topics
Slide Layouts
Slide Reading Order
Alternative Text
Captioning Videos
Link Text
Accessibility Tips
Accessibility Checker
What is Assistive Technology?
Assistive Technology (AT) are “products, equipment, and systems that enhance
learning, working, and daily living for persons with disabilities.
Screen Readers
Trackball Mouse
Zoom Text
Braille Computer Keyboard
Video Relay Services
Captioning Videos
Per federal and state law, and CSU policy, instructional media (e.g.,
videos, captured lectures, recorded presentations) must have captions. This
includes instructional media used in classrooms, posted on websites or shared
in Canvas.
All students who are enrolled in a course must be able to access
the content in the course.
Faculty: Funding is available to help faculty generate captions and
transcripts for instructional media. Materials should be
submitted at least six weeks in advance of their use in instruction.
Staff: For CSUN staff who do not provide classroom material, there
is a cost through chargeback. For information on the chargeback,
What are Screen Readers
Screen readers are a form of assistive technology (AT) software that
enables access to a computer, and all the things a computer does, by
attempting to identify and interpret what is being displayed on the
computer screen using text-to-speech. Screen readers can only access and
process live text (fully editable or selectable text).
Provides access to someone who is
visually impaired, mobility or has a
learning disability to access text on the
Offers same level of independence and
privacy as anyone else.
Types of screen readers
Screen reader program for
Microsoft Windows that allows
blind and visually impaired
users to read the screen either
with a text-to-speech output or
by a refreshable Braille display.
NVDA screen reader can be
downloaded free of charge by
Provides auditory
descriptions of each
onscreen element
using gestures, a
keyboard, or a braille
Adds spoken, audible,
and vibration feedback
to your device.
Screen magnifier for
Microsoft Windows
that allows you to see
and hear everything on
the computer.
How Do Screen Readers Work?
Screen readers read line-by-line from left-to-right
and top-to-bottom.
Screen readers start at the top of a document or
website and read any text including alternative text
for images, graphics or charts.
Screen readers navigate a document or website
using the keyboard without a mouse. Tab key: jump
from link to link, Enter: select a link, arrow keys:
navigate a document or website.
Reading order is important for users with visual
challenges. The users can become confused if the
document (content, tables, images or charts) is
poorly organized or out of order.
Left Right
Click vs Select
Screen readers and physical or mobility limitation
users navigate a document or website using the
keyboard without a mouse. The word Clickis not
inclusive of people who can’t use the mouse. Use the
word Selectto write step-by-step instructions.
“Click” or “Click on” Example
Go to YouTube video player
Click on Settings gear icon
Click on Subtitles/CC
Click on Options to Customize
Click on Caption Style
Use “SelectExample (Recommend)
Go to YouTube video player
Select Settings gear icon
Select Subtitles/CC
Select Options to Customize
Select Caption Style
Slide Titles are meaningful and unique
Maximum 6 to 8 lines of text per slide
Minimum font size 24 points or above
Tables, Charts and Graphs on own slide
Sans-Serif fonts are more suited to electronic formats
(Arial, Calibri, Verdana or Franklin Gothic Book)
Capitalization for the heading is fine not the entire
paragraph. Most people have difficult to read it if all text
Avoid underlining text. Underlining is interpreted by
screen readers and people with low vision as linked text.
Avoid Transitions and Animations
Mysterious Dash or Hyphen
Screen readers do not know what the symbol represents (minus, hyphen, en dash or em dash)
so screen readers will not read it. It is always a good practice to spell the word and spell out any
abbreviations or make a reference to your abbreviation when used for the first time.
For example:
May 8
, 2022 from 3:30 - 5:00pm. The screen reader reads three, thirty five. Recommend
May 8
, 2022 from 3:30 to 5:00pm.
Final exams May 14 - 20, 2022, screen reader reads May 1420, 2022. Recommend
May 14 to 20, 2022.
Homework assignment pages 200 281 for tonights reading material. Recommend
pages 200 to 281.
The fiscal year 2015-2016. Recommend The fiscal year from 2015 to 2016.
Grading scale 95 - 100%, screen reader reads 95100%. Recommend 95 to 100%.
A + , screen reader reads A+. Recommend A plus.
A , screen reader reads A. Recommend A minus.
Recommend to spell the word plus or minus for consistency purpose.
Slide Layouts
Accessibility Tips
Simple themes, pre-defined slide layout
Slides with unique titles
Default bulleted and numbered lists
Avoid themes with drop shadows on
design, colors or text
Avoid text boxes (inaccessible)
Slide Templates may not be accessible
The themes come with default background and foreground colors and fonts may be
difficult for some viewers to see it. The Accessibility Checker in PowerPoint does not check
for color contrast. Use simple and light background with dark text or dark background with
white text is the best approach.
Microsoft Accessible Template Showcase
(Check color contrast, etc.)
Microsoft Accessible Template Website
Built-in slide layouts (unique title)
Google Slides does not use headings instead
using slide title. Every slide should have a
unique title. Assistive technology users such as
screen readers navigate by slide title.
Using the default slide layouts is the first
step making your presentation accessible.
1. Go to “Slide” tab
2. Apply layout
3. Select your preferred layout
Same Slide Titles
If the same slide title spreads in multiple slides, use this method
Title, 1 of 3, Title, 2 of 3, Title, 3 of 3
Title Part I, Title Part II
Title 1, Title 2
“Every slide should have a unique title so those who cannot view the slide can still
easily navigate to information.
Slide Master Layouts aka Templates
Master slides control the look of your entire presentation, including colors,
fonts, backgrounds, effects, and just about everything else.
You can insert a shape or a logo on a slide master, and it will show up on all
your slides automatically.
Add Alt Text to describe an image or logo.
Verify Slide Reading Order.
Go to View tab
Select Master
Slide Reading Order, 1 of 2
The order of slides content determines how the content will be presented to screen
reader users, and other users of assistive technology. Verify reading order in the Slide
Master layouts.
Slide with Incorrect Read Order Slide with Correct Read Order
Slide Reading Order, 2 of 2
Check the reading order by selecting the slide
title. A blue outline will appear.
Press the TAB key to move through the
document. The tabbing order is the read
To adjust the reading order, right click an
object and select Order > Bring Forward or
Send Backward. Like in PowerPoint, the read
order is bottom to top, so sending an object
backward raises it in the reading order
When the screen reader reads this slide, it reads
the objects in the reverse order.
Important: The Title should always be read first
as heading title. Assistive technology users such
as screen readers navigate by slide title.
Text boxes inaccessible
Screen readers may ignore items like text in text boxes that are added to the pages.
Best approach is to use built-in slide layouts instead of Text Box.
Visual Challenge
Normal vision
Low vision Color blindness
Blind or deaf-blind
Whats the best way to make images
accessible to everyone?
Image Alternative
or Alt Text
Screen readers and other AT announce that its
an “image” or “graphic”, then read the alt text:
Three plants going through transformation
with text quote Accessibility user-friendly
document for CSUN student success.
The purpose of Alt Text is to allow low vision or blind users who
use text-to-speech assistive technologies (AT), such as screen
readers, to understand the purpose of graphic images. Sighted
users usually don’t see alt text unless they use AT.
Screen readers and other AT can’t convert images into texts. So,
when writing alt text, consider the following for images:
o Describe the content and the purpose of the image clearly
and concisely, in a phrase or a sentence or two. Keep alt text
short 200 characters or less.
o Image with text (for example, the CSUN wordmark) should
include the words on the image.
o “Image of…”, “Photo of…” is not needed because screen
readers and other AT announce that its an “image” or
o When completing the alt text, use proper punctuation such
as periods to indicate the end of the alt text. Without proper
punctuation, some screen readers will run the alt text into
the body text that follows and cause confusion to the user.
o Don’t insert hyperlinks in alt text because they are not
clickable and can’t create descriptive link text.
How to Describe Images?
A stair chase leading up to an entryway is
painted yellow with bold black text that reads
museums are now.
A hand reaches out of a computer screen giving
the hand gesture for stop. The screen reads
access denied!’
On the left is the book cover for Haben The Deafblind
Woman Who Conquered Harvard Law, and on the
right is the quote: “In the Tigrinya language of Eritrea
and Ethiopia, Haben means 'pride.’”
Michelle Obama claps and Barack waves.
Student holds a diploma hardcover up in the air
during CSUN commencement. Caption text "and
together, as Matadors, we will move mountains."
More examples of How
to Describe Images
Document Learning Tools: Describing images
How to Describe Images (Art, Chemistry,
Diagrams, Flow Charts, Formatting & Layout,
Graphs, Maps, Mathematics, Page Layout, Tables,
Text-only images)
Periodic Table of the Elements
UDC Best Practices for Describing Images
Google Docs - Adding Alt Text
1. Select an image, drawing,
or graphic.
2. Right click > Alt Text.
3. Add the alt text in the
Description field.
4. Select OK.
Descriptive Link Text, 1 of 2
Not Accessible vague and redundant
CSUN Honors Four Exceptional Graduate Students for Thesis and Project Work
CSUN’s Division of Academic Affairs has selected four exceptional CSUN graduate
students as the winners of the 2020 Distinguished Thesis/Graduate Project
Competition, with each receiving a $1,000 award and recognition from the
university. Read more.
CSUN Team to Tap into Power of Inouye Telescope to Study Sun’s Atmosphere
With the aid of a telescope in Hawaii, a team of professors at California State
University, Northridge hope to solve some of the mysteries found in the sun’s
atmosphere, information that could help us better understand the impact of solar
flares, as well as what is happening with other stars in our solar system.
Read more.
Minimizing the COVID Slide During the Summer
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools across the nation transitioned to
meeting online. Given the abruptness of the transition and lack of preparation
parents had in becoming in-home teachers’ aides, many parents and educators
are worried about a “COVID slide” or “COVID slowdown,where students fail to
retain any new information learned before and during the pandemic as well as
over the summer, when students are not in school.
Click here
Screen readers read: "Read more, link" "Read more, link" "Click here, link"
Accessible descriptive and unique
CSUN Honors Four Exceptional Graduate Students for Thesis and Project Work
CSUN’s Division of Academic Affairs has selected four exceptional CSUN graduate
students as the winners of the 2020 Distinguished Thesis/Graduate Project
Competition, with each receiving a $1,000 award and recognition from the
university. Learn more about CSUN's Four Exceptional Graduate Students.
CSUN Team to Tap into Power of Inouye Telescope to Study Sun’s Atmosphere
With the aid of a telescope in Hawaii, a team of professors at California State
University, Northridge hope to solve some of the mysteries found in the sun’s
atmosphere, information that could help us better understand the impact of
solar flares, as well as what is happening with other stars in our solar system.
Continue reading about CSUN's Astronomy Team.
Minimizing the COVID Slide During the Summer
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools across the nation transitioned to
meeting online. Given the abruptness of the transition and lack of preparation
parents had in becoming in-home teachers’ aides, many parents and educators
are worried about a “COVID slide” or “COVID slowdown,where students fail to
retain any new information learned before and during the pandemic as well
as over the summer, when students are not in school.
Learn more about the "COVID Slide".
Screen readers read: The content and link text then announce the word "link"
Full URL text
(raw URL may not make sense to screen reader users or others, so make the link text descriptive i.e. Universal Design Center)
Descriptive Link Text, 2 of 2
Best Practices for Accessible Links
Link text must always properly
describe the purpose of the link
and tell a user where the link will
take them.
Do not use text such as “click
here” orread more,” nor web
addresses (URLs).
Each link on the page should
be visually different from
regular text on the website.
Can be differentiated by color,
bold, underline, or italics.
Using color alone does not
make it accessible.
Link functionality is about
ensuring a link functions the way
the user expects.
Links must always enhance the
accessibility of a webpage.
Users must be able to access
links using a mouse, keyboard, or
speech recognition commands.
A linked image is an image (with or without text) that is linked to another resource or webpage.
Linked images need link descriptions as well as image descriptions (alt text).
If the link description is different than the alt text, enter the link description in the HTML Title field.
Visit Linked Images on the Best Practices for Accessible Images page for more information.
Why Color Coding is Not Accessible?
View Presentation in Black & White
Pattern Fill Format Data Series, Fill & Line
An example of PowerPoint
Charts Format Settings
Select 1 of 3 bars
Option 1: Mouse right-click to
select Format Data Series
Option 2: Format tab, select
Format Selection
Fill & Line icon
Pattern Fill & Select Pattern
Repeat for each bar with a
different pattern type
Add Data Labels
Select 1 of 3 bars
Option 1: Mouse right-click to select Add Data Labels, Add Data Labels
Right-click again to select Format Data Labels
On right pane, select Series Name
Option 2: Design tab, select Add Chart Element, Data Labels
Under Data Labels, select More Data Label Options
On right pane, select Series Name
Repeat for each bar
Accessible - Pattern Fill & Data Labels
Charts & Accessibility by Penn State
Line Charts
Inaccessible Line Chart
This is an inaccessible line chart based on the data in the
table comparing percentage of Mac and Windows users
in 1990 and 2003. In grayscale, these colors are virtually
identical may not be recognized by colorblind users.
Accessible Line Chart
This chart replaces three solid lines with one solid line and
two dotted lines, with labels for each. For line charts,
changing the style of the graph lines and adding labels
increases usability. Charts & Accessibility by Penn State.
Provide descriptions if using color to convey meaning
Example 1: Inaccessible color highlights in red
May 11 to 17, 2019
Example 1: Accessible with a description
May 11 to 17, 2019* (final exams)
Example 2: Inaccessible table
Example 2: Accessible table
Example 3: Inaccessible color shape
Color identical may not
be recognized by
colorblind users
Example 3: Accessible color
and number
Check Color Contrast
People who have low vision or
colorblind could encounter some
difficulty distinguishing text color
from a background color if the
contrast is insufficient contrast ratio
This example has a great color
contrast ratio of 8.7:1. The
contrast is sufficient for those
who have color deficiencies
Download Colour Contrast Analyser onto
your computer (PC/Mac) to ensure
accessible contrast or use an online
contrast checker from WebAIM.
WCAG Level AA requires a contrast ratio of
at least 4.5:1 for regular sized text (12 or
14 pt. font) and 3:1 for large text (18 pt.
Coblis Color Blindness Simulator
How to View Grayscale Document?
Image courtesy of Accessible Syllabus
Information and charts should never be conveyed
through color alone.
Color may not be recognized by colorblind users.
Provide text descriptions for charts and graphics.
Charts & Accessibility by Penn State
To use color filters on Windows:
Select Start > Settings > Ease of Access > Color filters.
Switch on the toggle under Turn on color filters.
To use color filters on Mac:
On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System
Preferences, select Accessibility, select Display,
select “Use grayscale”
Complex Images/Graphics/Charts
Some images, such as graphs, charts or informative
illustrations require fairly lengthy explanations to make
them accessible.
Provide a brief alt text description of the image and a
longer description within the slide. This may be helpful
for others as well since some people have difficulty
understanding charts and graphs. Credit to Explore Access
Use Caption built-in slide layout to provide a longer
Example of Option 1
Chart 1. Website Accessibility Assessment of All Organizational Charts.
Findings from the assessment indicate the following: 5% of
organizational websites had fewer than 2 errors on the home page; 20%
had 3 to 5 errors; 45% had 6 to 10 errors; and 30% had more than 10
errors on the home page.
Use Google Slides’ built-in
functionality to create Tables
Tables are read from left to right, top to
Simple Data Tables only.
Provide Title (i.e. Caption) and Summary
before the Table.
Not Accessible
Do not create table using the Draw Table
Never use for layout.
Avoid merged, split, or blank cells.
The complex a table (merging cells,
nesting multiple headings under one,
adding blank lines, etc.) the worse it will
be for accessibility.
Sample of Simple Tables vs. Complex
Tables by Penn State.
Use Tables for Data
Use tables for presenting data, not for changing the visual layout of the page. In the table, include a
heading row (rather than starting with data in the first row) because screen readers automatically
read the first row as a heading row.
Select Insert tab, then select Table.
Select the number of rows and columns by highlighting the boxes on the grid.
Right-click to select Format Options to adjust color, dimensions, or alignment.
Table Color
Avoid using color as the only means to convey information. For example, in the
table below, the complete and incomplete items may appear the same to
someone who is color blind:
A better option would be to provide another way of conveying information not
just color alone:
Videos embedded in PowerPoint are currently
inaccessible; consider adding a link to the video on
Apple Accessibility - Sady
Animations and Transitions
Avoid animation and automatic slide transitions:
Can be distracting
Can cause screen readers to re-read slides
Can read parts of the slide out of order, and/or
May not give users enough time to read the slide content
It's recommended that any transitions you add to your slides are done using the "on click"
option, versus timing the animations and transitions. This allows the user/viewer to control
the speed at which they view the content and progress through the slides.
Accessibility Tips
Use simple language.
Ensure font size sufficient.
Provide sufficient contrast between the
text and the background.
Do not use color as the only way to convey
meaning or communicating information.
Avoid automatic slide transitions
Use simple slide transitions when possible.
Do not put accessibility information like
alternative text in the Notes Pane.
Ensure video files have captions and
audio descriptions.
Ensure audio files have transcripts.
Player controls for videos embedded in
PowerPoint are currently inaccessible;
consider adding a link to the video on
Accessibility Checker for Google Slides
There isn’t a complementary service provided by Google to do an
accessibility check. However, there is Grackle Slides, which is an Add-ons
that extends the accessibility of Google Slides by automatically checking
all aspects of your slides and advising you how to make things better.
Grackle Slides is free for 30 days. Learn more about Grackle Slides.
Alternative to download Google Slides to PowerPoint
The most reliable method for creating a PDF from
a Google Slides is to first export it as an MS
PowerPoint, then convert the PowerPoint into a
PDF. This will preserve the majority of formatting
elements that are present within the PowerPoint.
File > Download > Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)
Microsoft Office is available for free to all CSUN
faculty, staff and students. Faculty and staff may
also use Office Online or install Office on their
personal devices.
PowerPoint Accessibility Checker
PowerPoint 365: Select Review tab, select Check
Word 2016: Select File menu, then Check for
Issues and select the Check Accessibility from the
drop-down menu.
The accessibility checker will identify
certain accessibility issues:
Duplicate slide titles
Headings that are not in logical
Images with no alt text
Tables have the header box
Tables that have merged cells or
with empty cells
Check for Issues, Check Accessibility
Always use PowerPoints built-in Accessibility Checker
Repair Errors, Warnings and Tips
File Info - Title
Windows: Converting to PDF
1. Select File menu
2. Save as, Download as PDF
3. Download button (save on your desktop)
4. Open the PDF file from Adobe Acrobat Pro
5. Run Accessibility Check
Learn more about PDF Accessibility
Mac: Converting to PDF
Unfortunately, Mac PowerPoint Desktop
application Save as PDF doesn’t import
PDF tags structure “No Tags available”.
The alternative way to export PDFs with tags is by logging into Microsoft Office 365
1. Go to
2. Select Microsoft Office 365 for Faculty & Staff
3. Select PowerPoint tab on left side
4. Upload your PowerPoint file
5. Select File menu
6. Save as, Download as PDF button
7. Download button (save on your desktop)
8. Open the PDF file from Adobe Acrobat Pro
9. Run Accessibility Check
Learn more about PDF Accessibility
Never Choose Print to PDF Option
Never choose a "Print" to PDF option in
Office, or in any other program. A screen
reader user may still be able to access the
text of a PDF created in this way, but
heading structure, alternative text, a logical
reading order, and any other tag structure
will be lost.
Use either Save As or Export to PDF.
Adobe Creative Cloud for Faculty & Staff
Adobe Creative Cloud software is now available for use (at no
additional charge) on all faculty and staff university-owned
computers, labs and classroom devices, and for all students.
Please note that this deployment of Adobe software is not
available for use on personally-owned faculty and staff
devices at this time.
Learn more about Adobe Creative Cloud for Faculty & Staff
Adobe Reader is for viewing, printing, signing, sharing, and
annotating PDFs. Adobe Reader doesn’t have Accessibility
checking tool.
Adobe Acrobat DC
Enable Live Automated Captions During Presentations
This feature is available on Chrome browser. It will not work with Mac Safari browser.
Here are the steps to turn on Google Slides captions:
1. Make sure your microphone is on and working.
2. Open a blank Google Slide presentation.
3. Select Present to go into presentation mode.
4. Select CC for Captions
5. Position and size of the text can also be changed on the CC dropdown menu.
If you present slides over video conferencing software (such as Zoom), captions show
up on the shared screen. To set expectations for your students, it's a good idea to tell
them that captions are from Google Slides and that only the speaker's voice is
For instructions on the Present Slides with Captions page.
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