Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 1
General Explanatory Notes:
1. The following sample clauses for inclusion in board resolutions, bank mandates and/or
powers of attorney (or similar documentation) are provided by way of example only.
Citibank, N.A., its affiliates and employees, are not providing any legal or other advice
in connection with this document. The Company should consult its own advisors as
the Company deems appropriate including as to whether to adopt any of the sample
clauses in the form provided, and the authority delegated.
2. The Company’s constituting documents (e.g. Articles of Association, Certificate of
Incorporation, Statutes or similar documents), and other related internal governance
guidelines, rules and documents of the Company are decisive on how the Company
prepares and words a board resolution (or similar documentation) and this is
considered to be within the scope of responsibility of the Company. The
format/title/nomenclature of the document should be determined by these
constituting documents and the country regulations applicable in the country where
the Account(s) will be opened.
3. Similarly, the Company is responsible for ensuring that board resolutions, bank
mandates, powers of attorney, etc., are duly authorized and properly executed. This
includes, determining if such documents are subject to stamp duty, notarization
and/or apostilization under the laws of the country where the Account(s) will be
4. In preparing all documentation, Companies should please consult the checklist
requirements for the country where the Account(s) will be opened.
5. These clauses are drafted for companies only. These clauses may not be suitable for
clients which are not registered, established or incorporated as companies (e.g.
limited partnerships). The clauses may need to be customized for such other legal
[ *]
Please also see the Drafting Notes at the end of this document.
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 2
[* = Insert, amend, delete as appropriate]
Opening of Cash Accounts by the Company
1. that any [ ]* of the Authorised Signatories of the Company, as set out
in Appendix 1 (the “Authorised Signatories”) be and are hereby authorised on behalf
of the Company to open, maintain and close any and all cash account(s) with Citibank,
N.A., its branches, subsidiaries and affiliates (“Citibank”) from time to time.
Opening of Cash Accounts by the Company’s Shared Service Centre (“SSC”) or Regional
Treasury Centre (“RTC”)
1. that any [ ]* of the persons nominated by the Board of Directors of
[insert name of legal vehicle of the SSC/RTC]* from time to time, as set out in Appendix
1 (the “Authorised Signatories”) be and are hereby authorised on behalf of the
Company to open, maintain and close any and all cash account(s) with Citibank, N.A.,
its branches, subsidiaries and affiliates (“Citibank”) from time to time. Citibank, shall
be entitled to rely upon the authorization of the Authorised Signatories to perform all
acts mentioned in these resolutions, until such time as a Board Resolution from [insert
name of legal vehicle of the SSC/RTC]* is received, advising that such authorization
has been revoked or modified.
Opening of Cash Account (by either the Company or an SSC or RTC)
2. that any [ ]* of the Authorised Signatories are also authorized to
execute on behalf of the Company, such document or documents as Citibank may
require in connection with the above accounts and to give necessary undertakings in
respect of the conduct and operations of the accounts.
The format / nomenclature of this document shall be customized as per the country regulations in which this
is issued. This document should be executed in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, and in
line with its corporate governance and constitutive requirements.
Please refer to the General and Country Specific Explanatory Notes before issuing.
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 3
Operating Signatories / Signatory Requirements / Delegation of Authority (if applicable)
3. that the Operating Signatories of the Company be and are hereby authorised on behalf
of the Company to transact/operate the accounts (“Operating Signatories”) and any
account restrictions for the operation of any cash account(s) (“Account Restrictions”)
shall be as set out in Appendix 2, until receipt of written notice by Citibank of any
variation to the Operating Signatories.
Change in Signatories/Signatory Requirements
4. that any [ ]* of the Authorised Signatories be and are hereby
authorised from time to time to give written notice to Citibank of any variation to the
Authorised Signatories, Operating Signatories and/or Account Restrictions as set out
in these resolutions, and any such variation shall be deemed to be made under these
resolutions and the new signatories shall be entitled to exercise all the powers under
these resolutions.
Electronic/Internet Banking Services
5. that any [ ]* of the Authorised Signatories be and are hereby
authorised to:
(a) appoint Security Manager(s) with respect to any electronic/internet banking
services (collectively the “Electronic Platforms”) who will control the granting
of authorization (and authorization levels) to individual users of the Company
(including users of any other accessing entity), enabling the said users to view
accounts and initiate transactions, and perform such other functions relating
to the establishment and maintenance of the Electronic Platforms;
(b) permit third party access to account information and/or electronic/internet
banking services granted to the Company (including any transaction initiation in
respect of the Company’s accounts maintained with Citibank), subject to such
terms and conditions as the Authorized Signatories may in their absolute
discretion deem to be in the best interest of the Company; and
(c) execute all documents on behalf of the Company including such document or
documents as Citibank may require in connection with the Electronic
Acceptance of Credit/General Facilities/Services (if applicable)
6. that any [ ]* of the Authorised Signatories be and are hereby
authorised from time to time:
(a) to request from Citibank any and all credit facilities
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 4
]* including to provide to Citibank any security/guarantee as
required by Citibank for such facilities; and/or
(b) to arrange the provision of any and all services or products related to Treasury
and Trade Solutions, and for any amendment, modification or revision to the
existing facilities/ services/ products.
(C) to sign any and all forms, contracts, agreements, documents, instruments,
terms and conditions and acknowledgements related to (a) and (b) above on
behalf of the Company.
Products Commercial Cards (if applicable)
7. that any [ ]* of the Authorised Signatories be and are hereby
authorized on behalf of the Company to do any and all of the following in connection
with obtaining and establishing a Citibank Commercial Cards program, which consists
of Corporate and Purchasing Card credit accounts and related products and services
(collectively “Commercial Card Program”):
(a) to appoint, replace and/or terminate representatives for the Company with
respect to the Commercial Card Program, including one or more program
administrators who will (i) manage and administer the Commercial Card
Program, (ii) have access to Company employee and Commercial Card Program
data, and (iii) have the authority to communicate with and instruct Citibank in
connection with the Commercial Card Program (“collectively,
(b) to delegate to any Representative the authority to appoint, replace and
terminate other Representatives; and
(c) to execute any and all agreements, documents and/or instruments related to
the Commercial Card Program, including, but not limited to, (i) the
establishment of Commercial Card Programs, and related credit agreements,
such as guarantees, (ii) the appointment, replacement and/or termination of
one or more Representatives; and (iii) the determination of the credit line
amount, term and any other conditions of the Commercial Cards Program.
Products - Trade Products (if applicable)
8. that any [ ]* of the Authorised Signatories be and are hereby
authorised to enter into trade finance and service transactions and facilities and
execute and deliver any necessary deeds or documentation therefor and perform all
obligations in connection therewith, including without limitation: (1) letters of credit,
standby letter of credit and guarantees or any similar or equivalent instrument or
facility (and reimbursement agreements or counter-indemnities or similar in
connection therewith); (2) documentary collections, presentations and preparations;
(3) accounts receivable purchase or finance agreements, factoring agreements and
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 5
forfaiting agreements, with or without drafts, promissory notes, bills of exchange or
other negotiable instruments (including but not limited to non-recourse and limited
recourse accounts receivable, invoice, draft, promissory note, bill of exchange or other
purchase, discounting or finance agreements, supply chain/supplier finance, paying
services agreements, distribution finance, distributor finance and credit insured
accounts receivable agreements); (4) bills of exchange, promissory notes and other
negotiable instruments; (5) commodity finance (including transactional, borrowing
base and performance risk (pre-export and prepayment) finance); (6) outright or
security assignments (including notices and/or acknowledgements and any other
validity and perfection actions ancillary thereto; (7) import, export and other loans
and other trade-related credit facilities; (8) license agreements; (9) participation,
assignment and transfer agreements; (10) export credit agency finance; (11) non-
disclosure agreements (11) any form of security, charge, mortgage, encumbrance or
other collateral documents, guaranties or other credit support arrangements; and (12)
any power of attorney or other appointment, and in general execute and deliver such
other documents by way of deed or by affixing the Company’s seal or otherwise,
including any amendment, supplement, novation, modification, waiver, or revision,
renewal, variation, restructuring, substitution, consent, certificate, confirmation,
joinder, accession agreement, application form, any advance or other extension of
credit request and any other ancillary document, and in general do such other things
as may be required or as any Authorised Signatory may deem necessary or
appropriate, in connection with any of the foregoing.
Products - Liquidity Management Services (if applicable)
For services provided in all countries
9. that the Company has agreed to the provision of liquidity management services by
Citibank. The Company has considered the terms, the benefits of entering the
arrangements and has concluded that it is in the best interests of the Company to
enter into such arrangements, in accordance with the terms and conditions necessary
for the services, as may be determined and required by Citibank.
that the Company has the power and capacity to enter into and perform, and all
necessary corporate or other action has been taken to approve the entry into and
performance by the Company as an
[ ]* for the target balancing agreement
and, where applicable, the interest reallocation agreement, and any other such
documents, for the above-said purposes.
that any [ ]* of the Authorised Signatories be and are hereby
authorised from time to time:
(a) to obtain from Citibank any and/or additional credit facilities (and the
amendment, modification or revision to such facilities) for these purposes; and
(b) to arrange with and accept from Citibank, the provision of liquidity
management services and that such Authorised Signatories are authorised to
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 6
enter into the liquidity management agreements and do any and all acts and
things, as they may in their discretion see fit, (including to provide all
representations, warranties, indemnities, guarantees or security (without
limits) in any liquidity management agreements, whether such
representations, warranties, indemnities, guarantees, security are given in
respect of the Company’s obligations or that of the Company’s affiliates (i.e.
subsidiaries of its ultimate parent company), to assess and confirm that the
performance of the Company’s obligations under any liquidity management
agreements is in the Company’s best interest, and/or to appoint any Agent in
accordance with any applicable liquidity management agreements or in
relation to the provision of any liquidity management services by Citibank to
the Company, and to delegate to such Agent, the authority to perform all such
duties, functions, and responsibilities contemplated by the liquidity
management agreements.
General - Execution of Documents/Agreements
(a) that any [ ]* of the Authorised Signatories be and are hereby
authorised to do any and all such acts, as they may in their discretion see fit,
(including to provide all representations, warranties or indemnities (without
limits in favour of Citibank), to assess and confirm that the performance of its
obligations under any agreement is in the Company’s best interest, to approve,
complete, amend, supplement, affirm, sign, execute or accept (by electronic
means or otherwise) and/or deliver, any forms, agreements, instruments,
deeds, certificates, notices, instructions, communications, confirmations or
other documents) ancillary to or in connection with any of the transactions,
agreements and other documents with Citibank contemplated in the
paragraphs above. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the above-listed
authorizations and certifications may be performed electronically, and the
digital, electronic, or facsimile signature of a person(s) authorized above will
be binding on the Company with the same force and effect as if signed
manually; and
(b) that authority is hereby given for the affixation of the Company’s common seal
in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association.
General - Delegation
11. that any [ ]* of the Authorised Signatories may appoint and delegate
to any other persons, as they may in their discretion see fit, any powers granted to the
Authorised Signatories under these resolutions, [ ]* further powers of
General - Certified Extract of Resolutions/Documents
12. that any [ ]* of the
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 7
]* or any such person(s) duly authorized by the Company, be and are hereby
authorized to extend a certified extract/copy of these resolutions to Citibank.
13. that any [ ]* of the
]*, be and are hereby authorized to confirm/certify as true any such document
required to be provided under these resolutions and to confirm the
designations/functional titles of any such persons authorized to act on behalf of the
General Ratification
14. that all previous acts of the Company and/or any of its Directors and/or officers
pertaining to the said accounts, cash facilities and/or products/services be and are
hereby adopted and ratified.
We hereby certify that on the [ ] day of [ ] [ ]
these resolutions were duly passed by the Board of Directors
of the Company in accordance
with the Company’s Articles of Association/any other equivalent document and have not
been revoked, amended or modified. And that these resolutions shall remain in full force and
effect until an amending resolution is duly passed and communicated to Citibank.
Dated this [ ] day of [ ], [ ]
The format / nomenclature of this document shall be customized as per the country regulations in which this
is issued. This document should be executed in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, and in
line with its corporate governance and constitutive requirements.
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 8
Appendix 1
Authorized Signatories referred to in clause 1 of these resolutions
First Name
ID Type &
ID Number
date of ID
Email Address
Residence Address
Date of Birth
The format / nomenclature of this document shall be customized as per the country regulations in which this is issued. This document should be executed in accordance
with the Company’s Articles of Association, and in line with its corporate governance and constitutive requirements.
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 9
Designation/Functional Title
e.g. Director, Treasurer, CEO, CFO,
Managing Director
Full Name
ID Type & ID Number
Specimen Signature
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 10
Appendix 2
Operating Signatories referred to in clause 3 of these resolutions:
First name
ID Type &
ID Number
date of ID
Account Restriction/
Number of Signatories required#
** If necessary, may divide Operating Signatories into pre-determined Groups e.g. “A”, “B”, “C”.
# Account Restriction / Number of Signatories required
“Singly” = any 1 Operating Signatory
“Any 2 jointly”
“ALL jointly” = All Operating Signatories
“3A or 2B” = EITHER any 3 from Group A signing jointly OR any 2 from Group B signing jointly
“2A + 1B” = Any 2 from Group A + any 1 from Group B must sign jointly
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 11
~ end ~
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 12
Addendum to the Bank Mandate / Board Resolution /
Power of Attorney
For the Countries appearing in this Addendum, the operative part of the Bank Mandate /
Board Resolution / Power of Attorney
shall stand amended / modified to the extent provided
1. China:
The section on Acceptance of Credit/General Facilities/Services is not applicable to China and
shall be deleted in its entirety.
The Section on Products - Liquidity Management Services shall be modified as under:
Reference to “liquidity management agreement” wherever appearing under Section 10 shall
be substituted with “liquidity management agreement (including but not limited to
entrustment loan agreement)”.
Reference to “indemnity” under clause b of Section 10 shall be amended to read as
“indemnity (including but not limited to joint and several liabilities)”.
2. Taiwan:
For the section on Electronic/Internet Banking Services
Clause 6(a) of the resolutions shall be amended as follows:
6(a) appoint Security Manager(s) with respect to any electronic/internet banking services
(collectively the “Electronic Platforms”) who will control the granting of authorization (and
authorization levels) to individual users of the Company (including users of any other
accessing entity), enabling the said users to view accounts and initiate transactions, assign
transaction limits to said users for the products to which the Company has access, modify
payment authorization flow, and perform such other functions relating to the establishment
and maintenance of the Electronic Platforms;
For the section on Liquidity Management Services
The following paragraphs shall be added to Clause 10 of the resolutions when multi-entity
structure is involved:
5 & 6
The format / nomenclature of this document shall be customized as per the country regulations in which
this is issued. This document should be executed in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, and
in line with its corporate governance and constitutive requirements.
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 13
that the Company will enter into liquidity management agreements (including but not limited
to Target Balancing Agreement and Group Interest Concession Agreement) with Citibank,
[ ], [ ], and [ ] (“Group Participants), and the
Company acknowledges that the liquidity management arrangements in these agreements
(the “Structure”) may involve the Company providing guarantees and/or extending loans to
the Group Participants.
If the Structure involves the Company’s provision of intercompany loan to the Group
Participants, [it is proposed that the aggregate amount of the Company’s loans under the
Structure be capped at [ ] (the “Loan Limits”) and the Company confirms that
such Loan Limits does not and will not violate the Company’s Articles of Incorporation, or the
Company’s various rules and guidelines governing loan extensions.]/[The Company confirms
that the aggregate amount of the Company’s loans under the Structure (the “Loan Limits”) is
and will be capped within the limit stipulated in the Company’s Articles of Incorporation, or
the Company’s various rules and guidelines governing loan extensions.] Further, if the
Structure involves the Company’s provision of indemnity to Citibank in relation to the
overdraft facility provided to the Group Participants, [it is proposed that the aggregate
amount of the Company’s guarantee exposure under the Structure be capped at
[ ] (the “Exposure Limits”) and the Company confirms that such Exposure
does not and will not violate the Company’s Articles of Incorporation, or the Company’s
various rules and guidelines governing endorsements, and guarantees]/[The Company
confirms that the aggregate amount of the Company’s guarantee exposure under the
Structure (the “Exposure Limits”) is and will be capped within the limit stipulated in the
Company’s Articles of Incorporation, or the Company’s various rules and guidelines governing
endorsements, and guarantees.]
that any [ ]* of the Authorised Signatories be and are hereby authorised from
time to time, to modify or amend the Structure, including but not limited to reappoint the
Agent or renominate and change the Group Participants, as he shall, in his absolute discretion,
consider appropriate or necessary.
For the section on General - Certified Extract of Resolutions/Documents
Clause 12 and 13 of the resolutions shall be amended as follows:
12. that in addition to the affixation of the Company’s seal and the Chairman’s seal under
local practices, any [ ]* of the
[ ]* or any such person(s) duly authorized
by the Company, be and are hereby authorized to extend a certified extract/copy of these
resolutions to Citibank.
13. that in addition to the affixation of the Company’s seal and the Chairman’s seal under
local practices, any [ ]* of the
[ ]*, be and are hereby authorized to
confirm/certify as true any such document required to be provided under these resolutions
and to confirm the designations/functional titles of any such persons authorized to act on
behalf of the Company.
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 14
3. Philippines:
For Cash Services.
That any [ ]* of the Authorised Signatories be and are hereby authorised to
avail of Citibank’s PayLink services, including tax return printing services, and to execute any
and all agreements, documents and/or instruments related to the foregoing services.
For Cash Services
That any [ ]* of the Authorised Signatories be and are hereby authorised to
negotiate, execute and deliver indemnity agreements in favor of Citibank in relation to (i)
second endorsed checks and/or (ii) checks issued to third-party payees or to payees that are
not the registered name of the Company, which the Company requests Citibank to accept for
encashment or for deposit into an account of the Company with Citibank.
For Cash Services [This is required if the Company wishes to avail of Citibank’s cash
management services.]
That, in relation to Citibank’s cash management services, Citibank is authorized to open,
maintain, and close cash accounts with correspondent banks for the account of the Company.
Citibank is further authorized to avail of and manage access to the electronic banking services
of correspondent banks, including granting of access and use to Company authorized
For Electronic/Internet Banking Services
That the Company is authorized to send SWIFT instructions, in relation to any products and
services that the Company avails from Citibank, and to be bound by such instructions.
4. Indonesia:
For the section on “General Execution of Documents/Agreements”:
Clause 10 (b) shall be deleted in its entirety.
For the section on “General Certified Extract of Resolutions/Documents”:
Clause 12 and 13 shall be deleted in its entirety.
5. India:
For Commercial Cards
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 15
Clause 8 (c) of the resolution shall be amended to read as follows:
8 (c) to execute any and all agreements, documents and/or instruments related to the
Commercial Card Program, upto a maximum amount of Rs._________(Rupees _______Only)
including, but not limited to, (i) the establishment of Commercial Card Programs, and related
credit agreements, such as guarantees, (ii) the appointment, replacement and/or termination
of one or more Representatives; and (iii) the determination of the credit line amount, term
and any other conditions of the Commercial Cards Program.
6. Bulgaria:
(a) For use in Bulgaria the following language shall be inserted at the end of clause 5(c):
‘…(including the Channels Power of Attorney Citibank required for any individual with
authority to sign and/or release a payment order on behalf of the company)’.
(b) The general authority to enter into a mortgage under clause 8(11) will not apply in
Bulgaria as local law requires language specifically outlining the real estate property
relating to the mortgage in question.
7. Czech Republic
(a) Clause 6(b) of the section on “Acceptance of Credit/General Facilities/Services (if
applicable)” shall be deleted in its entirety.
(b) If the Company is incorporated under Czech law then:
(i) the Company has to be specified in this document by way of its name, registered
seat, identification number (if assigned) and other identification data required by
Czech law; and
(ii) this document needs to be in the form of a power of attorney issued by the
Company rather than a board resolution adopted by the Company’s directors.
8. Egypt:
(a) In respect of Companies registered in Egypt Authorised Signatories may delegate their
authority, in accordance with this document, to another individual (a ‘Sub-Delegate’).
However, a Sub-Delegate may not further delegate their authority under local law.
9. Hungary:
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 16
(a) In respect of Companies registered in Hungary Authorised Signatories and Operating
Signatories may not delegate their authority to give payment instructions to debit an
account of the Company to another individual.
10. Israel:
(a) Clause 6(a) shall be replaced in its entirety as follows:
6(a) (i) to request from Citibank any and all credit facilities [up to the amount of
US$XXX per facility/ up to an aggregate of US$XXX or other]* including to
provide to Citibank any security/guarantee as required by Citibank for such
(ii) to arrange for any amendment, modification or revision to existing credit
facilities; and/or
(iii) to execute any and all agreements, documents and/or instruments related
to credit facilities, including in connection with any security/guarantee as
required by Citibank for such facilities.
11. Jordan/ Kuwait/ Lebanon
(a) Clause 1 Opening of Cash Accounts by the Company shall be replaced in its entirety as
“For Open, close and operating bank account(s) any [one/two]* of the Authorised
Signatories of the Company, as set out in Appendix 1 (the “Authorised Signatories”)
be and are hereby authorised on behalf of the Company to:
Represent the Company before Citibank, N.A Jordan/Kuwait/Lebanon (“Citibank”) for
opening, closing, managing and operating the bank account(s), and for depositing,
withdrawing from these account(s), activate dormant account(s) execute and receive
payments and all types of money transfer whether internal or external, the issuance
of cheque books, sign and endorse cheques and commercial papers, request certified
cheques, and to sign all forms, contracts, agreements, terms and conditions related to
open, close and operating the account(s).”
12. Russia:
(a) This document needs to be in the form of a power of attorney rather than a board
(b) The name of the Company issuing this document should be specified by official legal
name, registered office, and state registration number (or other applicable ID).
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 17
(c) In respect of Companies registered in the Russian Federation, Authorised Signatories
may appoint other individuals and/or delegate their authorities to other individuals
(“Sub-Delegate”) under a sub-delegation power of attorney, but a Sub-Delegate
cannot further delegate its authority.
(d) With regard to clauses 3 and 4 it should be noted that authority to transact/operate
an account of the Company can be granted only to the Company’s employees, and
additionally requires (initially and in case of any change/variation) provision of a
signature card (form of this card and requirements thereto are established by the
Instruction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 153-I dated 30 May 2014) (‘Signature
(e) With regard to clause 5(a) of the section “Electronic/Internet Banking Services”, to
dispose of funds on accounts/initiate transactions, Security Manager or another
person authorized by it must be included in respective Citi form provided to the Bank.
(f) With regard to clause 5(b) of the section “Electronic/Internet Banking Services”,
access of third parties requires provision of respective Citi form(s) to the Bank.
13. Slovakia:
(a) The name of the Company issuing this document should be specified by business name,
registered Office, business ID (if applicable) and other registration detail (reference
section 3 of the Slovak Commercial Code
(act no. 513/1991 Coll. as amended.
14. Ukraine:
(a) For the section on Acceptance of Credit/General Facilities/Services (if applicable):
Clause 6 (a) of the resolutions shall be amended as follows:
to request from Citibank any and all credit facilities [up to the amount
of US$XXX per facility/ up to an aggregate of US$XXX or other with the term
______]* including to provide to Citibank any security/guarantee as required by
Citibank for such facilities, with the authority to determine any other provisions
related to such credit facility on Authorized Signatories own discretion, and/or
When using Appendix 1, please add three additional columns (to be inserted after Surname):
Patronymic name (if applicable), Position (in the presence), and Level of signature
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 18
~ end ~
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 19
The following General Explanatory Notes are provided for informational purposes only; these
do not form part of the initial Global Authority Template.
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 20
Specific Notes on Specified Countries:
1. For Australia-incorporated companies Section 127 of the Corporations Act 2001
provides that a Company may execute documents by 2 directors or 1 director plus the
company secretary. Where a document is signed pursuant to section 127, a Board
Resolution, Banking Mandate or a Power of Attorney is not strictly necessary.
2. For China incorporated companies Shareholder Resolution or Board Resolution is
required to be submitted in accordance with the Articles of Association (AoA) of the
Company for cash and trade services. It is not mandatory if the AoA doesn’t provide
that Shareholder Resolution or Board Resolution is required for these purposes. For
request of facility and/or provision of security/guarantee, a separate Shareholder
Resolution or Board Resolution (in a form satisfactory to the Local) is required to be
submitted in accordance with the AoA of the Company. An extract of the minutes will
not be acceptable.
3. For Taiwan DBU Customers (Taiwan incorporated companies): Board Resolutions or
Bank Mandates are not required for cash products, but would be mandatory for cash
facilities and liquidity management agreement (multi-entity structure). As long as the
agreement or document bears company chop of the Company and the personal chop
of the Company’s chairman, both chops as shown on the Companys registration card
kept at the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs, the authority is sufficient. For cash
facilities and liquidity management agreement (multi-entity structure), a Board
Resolution or an extract of such minutes is required to be submitted for that purpose
and a circular or written resolution alone will not be sufficient under Taiwan laws. For
Taiwan OBU customers (companies incorporated outside Taiwan but opens an
account with Citibank Taiwan Limited Offshore Banking Unit), Minutes of Meeting of
the Board of Directors or an extract of such minutes is required to be submitted for
these purposes. Whether a circular or written resolution alone is acceptable will be
determined in accordance with the laws of the country where the company is
For companies which have been registered in Taiwan (including a Taiwan branch of a
foreign company), and Taiwan public companies and their affiliates (including a
foreign company which has not been registered in Taiwan but is an affiliate of a Taiwan
public company), Taiwan’s Company Law and regulations governing public company
have certain restrictions on the loan and guarantee which may be provided by such
companies. As the liquidity management services (multi-entity structure) involves
loan and guarantee (the cross indemnity will be considered, under Taiwan law, as
being in the nature of a guarantee provided by a participant to fulfill the obligations
Please also see the Drafting Notes at the end of this document.
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 21
of other participant), the board resolution approving the liquidity management
services (multi-entity structure) provided by each participant must acknowledge that
the arrangement will involve guaranteeing the obligations of the other participants
and providing of loans to the other participants, and state issuing of guarantees and
making loans is permitted by their Articles of Incorporation and mention amount limits
thereto. For Taiwan public companies and their affiliates, the aforesaid should also be
in accordance with the internal guarantee and lending rules and such companies
should also set out amount limits for guarantee and loan respectively.
4. For Philippines incorporated companies:
a. If the Company wishes to avail of Citi Markets products and services, the
following resolutions must be included:
“That any [one/two]* of the Authorised Signatories be and are hereby
authorised to enter into any custody services, foreign exchange, forward, swap,
option, future or other derivative contract or transaction, or combinations
thereof (each, a "Transaction") with Citibank, and to confirm that it has
appropriate risk management procedures and systems sufficient to manage
and monitor the risks it will take with respect to any such Transaction”
b. The Board Resolution or equivalent document has to be issued by the
Corporate Secretary or equivalent officer pursuant to the Articles of
Association and/or By-Laws of the company. The Board Resolution or
equivalent document must also state (i) the date and place of the meeting
where a quorum was present, and (ii) that the resolutions were approved by
the required number of directors pursuant to the company’s Articles of
Association and/or By-Laws.
5. For Korea incorporated companies Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Directors or
an extract of such minutes is required to be submitted for these purposes. A circular
or written resolution alone will not be sufficient under Korean law.
6. For India incorporated companies - Circular resolutions are not acceptable. Section
179 of the Companies Act, 2013 inter alia requires that: (a) resolutions relating to
borrowing, lending or investment activities of the company be necessarily passed at a
meeting of the board of directors of the company; and (b) the said section 179 also
provides that vide a resolution passed at a board meeting, the Board may delegate to
any committee of directors, the managing director, the manager or any other principal
officer of the company or in the case of a branch office of the company, the principal
officer of the branch office, the powers to borrow monies subject to such conditions
as it may specify.
7. For Indonesia incorporated companies:
The title of the document shall be “Power of Attorney”.
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 22
8. For Sri Lanka incorporated companies:
If the Company wishes to avail of Citi Markets products and services, the following
resolutions must be included:
“That any [one/two]* of the Authorised Signatories be and are hereby authorised to
enter into any custody services, foreign exchange, forward, swap, option, future or
other derivative contract or transaction, or combinations thereof (each, a
"Transaction") with Citibank, and to confirm that it has appropriate risk management
procedures and systems sufficient to manage and monitor the risks it will take with
respect to any such Transaction”.
9. For Japan incorporated companies:
The following must be made clear for all sections of the BR/POA:
Whether the Authorised signatories are in place of statutory authorized
representatives or agents OR are in addition to statutory authorized representatives
or agents.
10. For Companies incorporated in Romania:
Unless otherwise instructed by the Company in writing the authorization in relation to
the cash accounts granted from time to time by the Company to its Authorized
Signatories / Operating Signatories shall cease 3 (three) years after appointment or
upon revocation communicated to the Bank , whichever is earlier.
With regards the competence for contracting credit products and establishing afferent
security interests and guarantees it is noted that if the Articles of Association of a
Company incorporated as a Romanian Limited Liability Company do not expressly
state that the directors/administrators have competencies regarding loans,
guarantees and complex treasury transactions, since such operations may imply
serious consequences upon the Company’s patrimony (in case of failure to meet the
contractual covenants and conditions), the competency of deciding on these matters
resides with the shareholder(s) (the direct owner(s) of the Company).
11. For Companies operating in the UAE, through their UAE branch:
Citibank N.A, UAE branch requires authority documents to explicitly empower the
Authorised Signatories and Operating Signatories to act on behalf of the Company’s
UAE branch (as appropriate). Therefore, any Company operating in the UAE should
specifically reference the Company’s UAE branch within the definition of the Company
when appropriate to do so.
12. For Companies that intend to take any borrowing/credit facilities from Citibank N.A.,
Kenya Branch, Citibank Uganda Limited, Citibank Tanzania Limited or Citibank Zambia
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 23
A separate borrowing Board Resolution (or equivalent) must be provided for each and
every borrowing/credit facility. Therefore, clause 6 (a) and any other clause in this
template that purports to give Authorized Signatories powers to borrow or take credit
facilities on behalf of an entity is not applicable for all entities opening accounts with
Citibank N.A., Kenya Branch, Citibank Uganda Limited, Citibank Tanzania Limited or
Citibank Zambia Limited.
13. For Companies operating in Pakistan:
Circular resolutions would not be enforceable for credit related products.
14. For Companies incorporated in Italy:
Subject to the relevant provisions set out in the Company’s corporate documents, in
(a) all topics to be resolved under the mandate (as the case may be) are to be
indicated timely in the agenda of the discussions (“ordine del giorno”) of the
respective managing body (e.g. board of directors) of the Company, to be duly
summoned pursuant to the Company’s by-laws; and
(b) the minutes of the resolutions of such managing body (e.g. board of directors)
are to be in compliance with the Company’s by-laws and are to, inter alia: (i)
reproduce the agenda, (ii) give evidence of the discussion held by the members
of the same, evidencing relevant corporate benefit thereof and (iii) resolve on
which specific empowerments the Company is comfortable with delegating,
using the relevant text under the template (as deemed necessary), approving it
accordingly (as the case may be). In the event the minutes of the resolution are
to be in Italian language, please translate the text accordingly.
With regard to delivery/certification to Citibank of said minutes of the resolution of
the competent managing body (e.g. board of directors), please note that the Company
is to provide Citi with a copy of such minutes, as duly written-up in the Company’s
ledger (as applicable), certified in wet ink by an authorized signatory (or signatories)
of the Company as being true, correct, complete and attesting that such resolutions
have not been subsequently revoked or modified and shall remain in full force and
effect until an amending resolution is duly passed and communicated to Citibank. Such
certified minutes are to be delivered to Citibank, N.A Milan Branch’s Account
Documentation Unit.
15. For Companies incorporated in Kazakhstan:
The sample Bank Mandate/ Board Resolution/ Power of Attorney may only be used by
entities with no legal presence in Kazakhstan. This is because entities with a legal
presence in Kazakhstan, including non-resident entities with a head of branch or
representative office in Kazakhstan, will vest powers with the CEOs under the by-laws
of the company or partnership, and/or local regulation (‘Resident Entities’). Resident
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 24
Entities must instead provide a board resolution, or equivalent, of appointment
(nomination) of CEO/ Head of the Branch/Rep. office. If such Resident Entities wish to
appoint an Authorised Signatory other than the CEO a Power of Attorney shall be
issued by the CEO to this effect (a sample of such Power of Attorney may be requested
from your local office in Kazakhstan). As a general rule, Head of the Branch/Rep. normally authorized both on(i) nomination of a board resolution or equivalent
and (ii) Power of Attorney.
16. For Companies operating in Kazakhstan:
In the event that the sample Bank Mandate/ Board Resolution/ Power of Attorney is
provided for Kazakhstan the following points should be noted: (a) any products may
be subject to additional local regulations which may require additional transaction
specific corporate approvals, including but not limited to all products that imply
credit/loan extension, (b) regardless of the tenor stated a maximum period of validity
for Power of Attorney is 3 years, (c) any open date Powers of Attorney will be treated
as 1 year tenor instruments pursuant to local regulation, and (d) if the Authorised
Signatories wish to delegate their authority they must provide a Power of Attorney to
this effect.
17. For Companies operating in Russia:
Any open date Power of Attorney is valid for 1 year from the date of its issuance. Under
Russian law, Power of Attorney on behalf of the Company is issued by CEO or other
person entitled to this by the Company’s constituent documents. Civil Code of Russia
contains certain mandatory requirements to powers of attorney and sub-delegation.
Local regulations and Company’s constituent documents may require additional
specific corporate approvals (if so, respective corporate approvals should complement
the package of documents provided). Authorities listed in clause 7 in respect of
Russian programs can be different and/or enhanced, and thus additional empowering
documents might be required. Application for commercial and customs card issuance
can be signed only by an individual included in Signature Card. Requirements to the
form of the documents provided for account opening are specified in the Instruction
of the Central Bank of Russia No. 153-I dated 30 May 2014.
Drafting Notes:
1. The BR should be executed in accordance with the Company’s Articles of
Association, and in line with the its corporate governance and constitutive
requirements. If a Power of Attorney (POA) is executed then the appropriate
authority of the individual/s to execute the POA should be provided as per Trade
Register or Commercial Register as applicable.
Citi Sample Mandate March 2020 pg 25
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